by Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
The concept of the triune nature of the God of Israel, as taught even by the Hebrew Scriptures, has traditionally been the hardest thing for Jewish people to believe and accept. Often, no matter how well it is explained, Jewish people still tend to conclude that “Christianity” actually teaches the concept of three different gods. Even among some circles of Messianic Jews, this is a difficult teaching to accept and is also denied by some who affirm to believe in the Messiahship of Yeshua (Jesus).
While the New Testament does present the concept of the Trinity in a clearer manner, yet even many New Testament believers have a difficulty in explaining the concept in a way that does not cross the line from monotheism to tritheism. New Testament believers certainly affirm the concept but have a difficult time explaining it.
So how does one explain the inexplicable? This is what John Metzger has zealously endeavored to do in this volume and he has done a superb job in both expounding what both testaments teach on the subject and explaining it in a way that communicates to the uninitiated. While a complete understanding of the Three in One would not be possible this side of eternity, this work is one of the best I have seen in bringing out the clarity of Scripture on the subject.
Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum