Why God’s Interest is in the Jew
Why God’s Interest Is in the Jew By David L. Cooper Chapter One The Future of Israel and Her Land For Zion’s sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until her righteousness go forth as brightness, and her salvation as a lamp that burneth. 2 And the nations shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory; and thou shalt be called by a new righteousness, and all kings thy glory; and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of Jehovah shall name. 3 Thou shalt also be a crown of beauty in the hand of Jehovah, and a royal diadem in...
Read MoreThe Invading Forces of Russia and of the Anti-Christ Overthrown in Palestine
The Invading Forces of Russia and of the Antichrist Overthrown in Palestine By David L. Cooper The prophecy contained in Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39, constitute one of the most important predictions relative to the present day that is to be found in either the Old or the New Testament. Of course, all prophecy is of vital importance. But the special significance of this passage for us today is to be seen in the fact that we are living in the days when this prediction is to find its fulfillment. This statement being true, it behooves us to study it with an open mind. Since...
Read MoreThe Anti-Christ and the Worldwide Revivals
THE ANTICHIRST AND THE WORLD-WIDE REVIVAL A Study of II Thessalonians 2:1-12 By David L. Cooper The two epistles of Paul to the Thessalonian church, the earliest of the New Testament books, are of the utmost importance to the prophetic student. When the Apostle Pau first went to Thessalonica he remained there something like three weeks, establishing the church and building it up in the most holy faith. Difficulties cut short his stay there. Shortly after he arrived in Athens, he sent word back to Silas and Timothy, urging them to come with all speed to him at Athens. They, in...
Read MoreThe Image Vision of Daniel Two
THE IMAGE VISION OF DANIEL TWO By David L. Cooper In times past the Lord often spoke by means of dreams, especially to heathen kings. He revealed to the Pharaoh of Egypt that there would be seven years of drought in his country (Genesis 40 and 41). This message was portrayed in a dram. The significance of it, however, was withheld from the monarch. He demanded the magicians of the land to make known its meaning. They failed. Finally in the providence of God, Joseph was brought from prison to stand before the king. Wit exactness, he interpreted the significance of each...
Read MoreHistory Repeating Itself: In the days of Joshua, Zerubbabel and Weizmann
History Repeating Itself In the days of Joshua, Zerubbabel & Weizmann By David L. Cooper Jacob with seventy souls went down into the land of Egypt. There, under the protection of the strong Egyptian Empire, this handful of people grew into a nation of approximately three million. At the time appointed in the plan of God, the Lord sent Moses to deliver His people. With a high hand and a strong arm He brought them forth from the house of bondage. He led them to Sinai and there gave them His law and entered into a special covenant with them. This great event is called the...
Read MoreThe Olivet Discourse
The Olivet Discourse By David L. Cooper The Olivet Discourse, recorded in Matthew 24 and 25, Mark 13, and Luke 21, is one of the most important prophetic utterances in the Scriptures. If one has a clear understanding of this prediction, one will have an outline into which almost all other subjects of prophecy will fit perfectly. The student is requested to note on the chart below the two questions which were asked by the apostles. He is to follow the arrows and note the phrases on each one and the positions to which they point. Then he is to notice the answers that are given...
Read MoreThe Grand March of Empire – The Four World Empires
The Four World Empires According to Daniel 7 & Revelation 13 & 17 By David L. Cooper In the preceding study we have examined the revelation made by the Lord to Nebuchadnezzar but interpreted by Daniel. In this symbolic vision we saw certain phases of truth regarding the four world kingdoms. The imagery employed to represent these empires during “the times of the Gentiles”—from the reign of Nebuchadnezzar to the second coming of Jesus the Messiah—could set forth only certain phases of the truth connected with them. An examination of all the facts leads one to believe...
Read MoreMessiah: Final Call To Israel
By David L. Cooper The essence of this message is “Prepare to meet thy God, O man.” Every Bible student will recognize that this language found in Amos 4 was addressed to Israel. In order for us to see the full force of this exhortation, we must read the entire context. When the import of the chapter is seen, we immediately recognize the fact that these words have a different meaning from what I am putting into them. According to the prophet, God has sent one judgment after another upon the national of Israel in order to win her back from her apostasy and sin. Instead of profiting by...
Read MoreMessiah: Glorious Appearance Imminent
By David L. Cooper In the previous tract we saw the scriptural outline of Messiah’s redemptive career. According to it, He comes in humiliation, entering the world by virgin birth, and allows Himself to be slain for the redemption of all who will accept His atonement. After His resurrection He ascends to the throne of God and awaits the time when Israel will repudiate the national sin of rejecting Him and will accept Him wholeheartedly. We have also seen that Messiah in the person of Jesus of Nazareth made His first appearance on scheduled time. In fulfillment of the Old Testament...
Read MoreMessiah: Historical Appearance
By David L. Cooper In Tract One of this series we saw that the Eternal God is a holy Trinity; in the second message that according to prophecy one of these divine personalities was scheduled to come to earth for man’s redemption; in the third, the outline of Messiah’s redemptive career was set forth as presented from Psalm 110; in the fourth, we learned that King Messiah was to be executed before the overthrow of the Jewish nation which occurred in the year 70 A.D. In all of these messages we have been looking at the truth largely from the standpoint of the Hebrew Scriptures. In the...
Read MoreMessiah: First Coming Scheduled
By David L. Cooper In the first message of this series I called your attention to the fact that the Eternal God is a triune being consisting of three personalities known as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. In the second I endeavored to show from the Scriptures that one of these divine personalities was scheduled to come into the world, entering it by virgin birth. And in the last one we learned, especially from Psalm 110, the outline of Messiah’s redemptive career which consists of His coming to earth, of His rejection by His people (the Hebrew nation), of His return...
Read MoreMessiah: Redemptive Career
By David L. Cooper In the first tract of this series we saw that the Eternal God is a triune being who is called in the Scripture the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In the second message we learned that the one who is usually designated as the second person of the Trinity, the Son, was scheduled to enter the world by virgin birth and to give His life a ransom for all who will accept Him. It is proper in this, the third message, to examine what might properly be called Messiah’s redemptive career. In this brief study I can call attention only to the bare outline of His activities...
Read MoreWhat Does the Bible Say About Genesis 1:1-2?
By David L. Cooper ”In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 And the earth was waste and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters” (Gen. 1:1-2). The assumption which lies back of Genesis 1:1 is that the one true and living God is assumed, by the writer of Genesis, to be in existence; for he tells that back in that part of eternity which is called “in the beginning,” God put forth an act, the result of which was the coming into existence of the material heavens and the earth. Hence our writer assumed God’s...
Read MoreProclaiming the Truth to Israel: Principles Involved
By David L. Cooper Israel, the Channel of World Blessing During the Christian Dispensation the Lord commits the task of evangelizing the world to His Church (Matt. 28:18-20), although He had already announced to Abraham that “. . . in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed” (Gen. 12:1-3). See Isaiah 27:2-6. The Lord does not use the trial-and-error method in any instances, for He “who maketh these things known from of old” (Acts 15:18) has kept to His original plan of using Abraham and his seed as the channel of blessing the world. When Israel failed God by rejecting the...
Read MoreMessiah: Nature and Person
By David L. Cooper “Man is incurably religious.” The proof for this statement is seen on every hand. Man’s need of and utter dependence upon the Supreme Being is in evidence among all races. In crises, especially in the hour of death, does this innate feeling express itself. Instinctively in these moments of helplessness men call upon God for assistance and deliverance. This feeling, therefore, is a part of man’s nature. God, who created man, planted the spirit of worship in his breast. He, the benevolent Being, has undoubtedly prepared everything that meets this heart-yearning. The...
Read MoreWhat Does the Bible Say About The Age of the Earth?
By David L. Cooper Many believing scientists are of the profound conviction that the earth has been standing for something like two billion years. They arrive at this conclusion from different standpoints. This calculation is based upon data discovered by the astronomers and also by the geologists and chemists. Believing scientists, let me reiterate, who accept the Bible as the very Word of God, hold to this conclusion. On the other hand, there are scientists who are very liberal with their figures to the right of their digits in their attempts to express the age of the history of the...
Read MoreMay Christ Delay His Return 1000 Years
By David L. Cooper Every now and then I see an article, or read a book, or receive a letter from someone stating that, though the Lord’s coming may be imminent, yet He may not return for a thousand years. It seems that this idea is gaining prevalence and is becoming more popular of late years. Is this position scriptural? Definition of Term A person must have a clear, definite idea of the meaning of terms, especially in scientific and theological discussions, if he is to arrive at a definite, clear-cut conception of a given subject of theme. Let us therefore look at the terms, “rapture”...
Read MoreThe Present and the Future in the Light of the Word
By David L. Cooper On the morning of November 8, 1960, a friend told me very emphatically that Nixon would be elected President of the United States. Immediately I asked her why she knew he would be elected. Her reply was that she had prayed that he would be elected and therefore he would be. Then she said that there were hundreds of thousands of Christians throughout the country who had been praying to the same effect. God’s Overruling Providence She quoted “Prayer changes things.” I rejoined by saying, “Prayer changes things; prayer changes men; and prayer brings victory—when the...
Read MoreRules for Guidance
By David L. Cooper The most important question of all is whether or not I have been born again. Jesus declared to Nicodemus that the new birth is essential: “Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except one be born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God” (John 3:5) When I come before God the one question will be whether or not I have been born again. If I have, all will be well. If I have not, nothing will be well with me. All properly instructed Christians agree to the correctness of this proposition. The next question of importance, after that...
Read MoreThe Judgment at the Great White Throne
By David L. Cooper My subject on this occasion is the Judgment at the Great White Throne. I have chosen this subject because many people believe that at the great white throne a general judgment of all people of all time will take place. This belief has such distressing implications that I think we should turn the full light of Scripture on it to show its utter falseness. I shall never forget the time that I accepted Christ. A beautiful hymn gripped my heart and soul. Although I could not sing, I would repeat the words over and over again. They go something like this: “One sweetly...
Read MoreMessianic Times According to Isaiah 61
By David L. Cooper From the expulsion of Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden when God gave promise of a coming redeemer, man began to look forward to a king of righteousness, who would reign over the earth (Gen. 3:15). An echo of this pledge is discovered in the utterance of Eve at the birth of Cain (Gen. 4:1)—a misinterpretation of the Lord’s prediction. References to this primitive evangel are to be found throughout the Old Testament. For instance, in Genesis 49:10 appears the definite prediction of King Messiah and His reign over all the nations. Once more we see a clear...
Read MoreThe Three Purposes of the Tribulation
By David L. Cooper There have been many calamities and catastrophes that have struck various nations, and groups of nations, and even the entire world. Whenever such a catastrophe occurs, thinking people begin to question and reason as to why an event of such great magnitude has occurred. Men, in times of such crises, instinctively acknowledge that God is responsible, for they naturally accept the proposition the He is the Creator and Controller of all things, even though they might, in a spirit of argumentation and reasoning, often deny this thesis. All reason and logic show us that...
Read MoreGod and Messiah
by David L. Cooper The God of Israel Throughout all nature there is abundant evidence of the existence of a supreme, intelligent, personal Being. “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork.” (Psalm 19:1) The fingerprints of this divine Architect are discoverable on all His handiwork; hence the Scriptures assume the existence of this eternal God in whom all live, and move, and have their being. Being face to face with the fact of God’s existence, it...
Read MoreYom Kippur – Israel’s Day of Atonement
By David L. Cooper Just a week after the celebration of Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year’s Day, there comes the beautiful and significant Yom Kippur, or Day of Atonement. This is the climax of the ten days of penitential heart-searching engaged in by those of Jewish faith. IT is a day which has been observed ever since its ritual was first laid down in the sixteenth chapter of the Book of Leviticus. The offerings of the Day of Atonement were different from the individualistic offerings which had already been prescribed, for they were nationalistic in scope. “Of all the offerings that...
Read MoreIsrael’s Place in the Plan of God
By David L. Cooper The sentence, “Come now, and let us reason together, saith Jehovah,” is an utterance that Isaiah the prophet spoke in one of the most powerful and impassioned appeals that is on record in any literature. He introduced his message by calling upon the heavens and the earth to listen to the august and all-important message which he was delivering from the Lord God, the Almighty, to His Chosen People the Jews. In the same spirit of faith as the prophets of old, let me say that I address myself to the Chosen People, pleading with them, “Let us reason together...
Read MoreThe HOPE of Israel and the Nations
By David L Cooper At this time of world crisis thinking men and women are asking the question, Is there any hope for the world? IF so, in whom does it lie? At the present time radio commentators, journalists, and political leaders are constantly speaking of the possibility of a permanent and a just peace. When those who are thoroughly acquainted with the prophetic word hear such statements, they can see how blind even the very best of our statesmen and political leaders are. There is no wonder that the utterances of many of them are very misleading since they obviously are...
Read MoreWhere is WISDOM to be Found?
By David L. Cooper A Study of Job, Chapter 28 The twenty-eighth chapter of the Book of Job is a unique portion of the Word of God. It is a classic on the subject of wisdom. It falls naturally into three parts: I. Wisdom is not to be found in the mines beneath the earth (vs. 1-11); II. Wisdom is not to be purchased in the Markets of men (vs. 12-22); III. God knows where wisdom is to be found (vs. 23-28). In this classic passage on the subject Job asserts that wisdom is not to be found in silver mines; nor can it be discovered in gold deposits. Not only are silver...
Read MoreWho are the 144,000?
By David L Cooper Who are they? When will they appear? “And I saw another angel ascend from the sun rising, having the seal of the living God; and he cried with a great voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, 3 saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we shall have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads. 4 And I heard the number of them that were sealed, a hundred and forty and four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of the children of Israel” (Rev. 7:2-4). In the Book of Revelation we read of...
Read MoreThe Jewish Temple, Its Past, Present and Future
By David L. Cooper God has a Plan of the Ages. He is developing that Plan, and is consistently carrying it out. At the same time, God allows men a freedom of choice, never forcing anyone against his will. The Temple in Heaven “Thus said Jehovah, Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool…” (Isaiah 66:1). Oh, that we could have our spiritual eyes opened to enable us to look into the very Heaven of heavens; located northward from this earth (Isaiah 14:13; Ezekiel 1:4; Psalm 75:6). There is a definite, specific place called “the Heaven of the heavens”. This is God’s dwelling...
Read MoreWill The Church Go Through The Tribulation?
by David L. Cooper In last month’s study we examined Matthew’s record of the Olivet Discourse which is found in Matthew, chapters 24 and 25. Mark’s account runs in the same groove as that of Matthew, only it is much abbreviated in comparison with the latter’s narrative. Luke, in his record, supplements the information that is given in the accounts of Matthew and Mark. A person must therefore study all three records if he is to have a clear picture of what our Lord spoke in the message known as the Olivet Discourse. If I am permitted to think of the development of the...
Read MoreGod’s Commands To His Church
by David L. Cooper “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. 2 Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem; and cry unto her, that he warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned, that she hath received of Jehovah’s hand double for all her sins” (Isa. 40:1,2) In this passage two groups of people are referred to—those who have the message of comfort and those who need this message. God calls them His people. They are the nation of Israel. The other group consists of people like you and me—born-again believers. This passage, with Isaiah 62:10-12, is Biblical...
Read MoreThe God of Israel
By David L. Cooper Throughout all nature there is abundant evidence of the existence of a supreme, intelligent, personal Being. “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork.” (Psalm 19:1) The fingerprints of this divine Architect are discoverable on all His handiwork; hence the Scriptures assume the existence of this eternal God in whom all live, and move, and have their being. Being face to face with the fact of God’s existence, it behooves us (His creatures) to become acquainted with Him as far as possible. This God of whom we read in the book of nature...
Read MoreGod’s Torchbearers
From Adam to the Millennium By David L. Cooper Originally God created man in His own image. “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Gen. 1:26). It is in God that men live, move, and have their being, “For we (all men) are also his offspring” (Acts 17:28). Naturally He loves His offspring and is interested in their welfare. God’s Torchbearers from Adam to Moses When Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden, they were told to be fruitful and multiply and to fill the earth with inhabitants. Everything was conducive to their well-being, happiness, and contentment....
Read MoreSowing and Reaping
A Bumper Crop By David L. Cooper Among the Biblical writers are some whose names have not been preserved for us. Some of these have had their identity almost positively established through the internal evidence of their writings and the external evidence of history, archeology, and allied fields of knowledge. Others have left no clue as to their identity. A few bits of information about their lives may be gathered, such as the time that they lived and the place, but no more. Yet these unidentified authors wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as much as those whose names have been...
Read MoreWhat Shall it Profit?
A Solemn Call To All By David L. Cooper Biblical Research Society Life is ACTUAL, REAL. Most of us are accustomed to think that death is the most solemn of all human experiences. This idea is indeed a mistake. Living is the most solemn; dying is only incidental. If our living has been right, glorious will be the exit out of this life, with all its disappointments and imperfections, into our glorious future existence. The sacred writer in Psalm 49 presents to us the seriousness of life. A CALL TO ALL NATIONS “1 Hear this, all ye peoples; Give hear, all ye inhabitants of the world, 2 Both low...
Read MoreWhere To Find Peace and Joy
By David L. Cooper, Th.M., Ph.D., Litt.D. All non-religious men confess, in their moments of sober thinking and honest reflection, that there is a great void in the depths of their souls which the world, with all its pleasures and allurements, does not and cannot satisfy. Their innermost nature craves peace, satisfaction, and joy. The turmoil and disappointments of life draw heavily upon their inner-most being, frequently driving many into discouragement and despair, which not infrequently result in many men’s attempting to end their troubles by self-destruction. A second consideration,...
Read MoreTriumph of David’s Greater Son
By David L. Cooper Biblical Research Society The 110th Psalm is in many respects the most important of all the Psalms and is, together with Isaiah 53, the highest mountain peak of the Old Testament revelation of God. It is built upon Genesis 14. In order that the reader may appreciate more fully its importance, I will weave into the exposition of it a conversation which I had with the president of an orthodox synagogue. While I was at the University of Chicago Divinity School, we did special exegetical work in the 110th Psalm. When we reached verse 3, the professor threw the book on the...
Read MoreIs the Fig Tree Cursed Forever?
By David L. Cooper And on the morrow, when they were come out from Bethany, he hungered. 13 And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find anything thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for it was not the season of figs. 14 And he answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit from thee henceforward for ever. And his disciples heard it” (Mark 11:12-14; see also Matt. 21:19). One of our radio listeners asked me to explain the significance of our Lord’s cursing the fig tree. Both Mark and Matthew record this incident. In order that we...
Read MoreThe Empty Tomb
By David E. Cooper, Th.M., Ph.D., Litt.D. At this season of the year the hearts and minds of all true believers turn naturally toward the empty tomb from which our Lord came forth. On that first Easter morning, we have every reason to believe, the eyes of the hosts of heaven were focused on that one spot. At the same time, a song of rejoicing and exultation doubtless was welling up in their hearts as they praised God for what had been accomplished in the Resurrection of our Lord. We have every reason to believe that, from that moment to the present, there have ascended to the Throne of the...
Read MoreThe Day of King Messiah
By David L. Cooper As a person reads literature dealing with the subject as to whether or not the church goes through the Tribulation, he finds great stress laid upon the terms, “in that day,” “the day of Jehovah,” and, “the day of Christ.” The leaders of those who believe that the church goes through the Tribulation seem unanimous in interpreting these and like expressions as referring to the actual twenty-four-hour day on which the Lord Jesus Christ will descend from heaven to the air at the end of the Tribulation. Hence every time these expressions occur, they are made to...
Read MoreIsrael’s Three Must’s and Jehovah’s Seven I-Will’s
By David L. Cooper, Th.M., Ph.D., LITT.D My reason for running in the Biblical Research Monthly the department of “Israel’s Place in the Plan of God” is that a clear grasp of this doctrine is essential to the proper understanding of the teaching of the Scriptures in general; for apart from it one cannot comprehend the significance of numerous passages in both the Old Testament and the New. As we see from a casual reading of the original promise (Gen.12:1-3), which is the basis of all prophecy, and the predictions immediately growing out of it recorded in Genesis, Abraham and his seed were...
Read MoreHow May One Become Wise?
By David L. Cooper, Th.M., Litt.D. TWO VERY IMPORTANT scriptures which deal with the matter of wisdom and understanding are Psalm 119:9-104 and Proverbs 2:1-5. The discussions found in these two sections of scripture are of inestimable worth to all who know God. This fact becomes apparent to one who realizes the importance of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. One of the ancient Greek philosophers said that knowledge is power. Of course he was using the word in the broadest sense of the term. He was, however, correct in his assertion, even though he did not understand fully the...
Read MoreThe Triune Nature of the God of Israel
I. An Interesting Conversation One day as I was journeying from Los Angeles to Denver I had a most delightful interview with an elderly Jewish man. I was sitting in the day coach reading my Hebrew New Testament when this old man suddenly appeared at my side. “You cannot read that!” he declared. Immediately I gave him a practical demonstration by reading a passage from the book in hand. With a shrug of the shoulders he asked, “Where did you learn that?” “In the seminary and university” “Well,” he said, “you don’t know what it means,” Again I read it translated a verse for him. “Hmm!” he...
Read MoreThe Trinity of the Godhead
The doctrine of the Tri-unity is the basic teaching of the Scriptures, in both the Old and the New Testaments. One must establish himself upon this doctrine in order to correctly view any of the Scriptures. A failure to recognize this fact leads to a position from which the truth cannot be seen in its entirety. The Godhead In the Apostle Paul’s Mars Hill speech, the Athenians were told that “we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and device of man” (Acts 17:29). The word translated Godhead may also be rendered that which is divine. It...
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