Evergreen Christian Church – New Albany, PA
Posted on Nov 28, 2011 in References from Pastors | 0 comments
Pastor Michael A. Dodd
Evergreen Christian Church
New Albany, Pennsylvania 18833
(717) 363-2074 CHURCH & STUDY
(717) 363-2304 HOME
Dear Brothers in Christ:
Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! May the blessings of our great God and Savior fall on you and your churches.
I am writing on behalf of brother John Metzger, who is ministering to the Jewish people through Ariel Ministries. I have known John for approximately ten years. We have had him come to our church on several different occasions and find him to be an excellent communicator of the Word of God! I am always blessed, as well as my congregation, with what we hear. He loves God’s Word and God’s people. He has a great zeal for the evangelization of the Jewish people and the truth about the tri-unity of the Godhead. He truly thrills my congregation and myself with the theological truths about the nature and character of our God.
If you are considering having John and his wife, Sharon, come to you church you will not be disappointed. I highly recommend John and Ariel! I truly encourage to allow John to come and minister to you and your people, a blessing will be had by all who love God’s Word!
In Christ’s Love,
Rev. Michael E. Dodd
Pastor, Evergreen Christian Church
An Independent – Fundamental – Bible Church – Baptistic in Doctrine and Practice