The Empty Tomb
Posted on Nov 28, 2011 in David L Cooper | 0 comments
By David E. Cooper, Th.M., Ph.D., Litt.D.
At this season of the year the hearts and minds of all true believers turn naturally toward the empty tomb from which our Lord came forth. On that first Easter morning, we have every reason to believe, the eyes of the hosts of heaven were focused on that one spot. At the same time, a song of rejoicing and exultation doubtless was welling up in their hearts as they praised God for what had been accomplished in the Resurrection of our Lord. We have every reason to believe that, from that moment to the present, there have ascended to the Throne of the Almighty—from all portions of the universe—praise and thanksgiving to God from the sons of God (the angels), who are exulting in the fact of the empty tomb and the rise Christ. It is logical to believe that we shall mingle our voices with the angels throughout all Eternity, praising God also for what was wrought at Calvary and what was brought to fullest fruition on Easter Sunday morning by the Resurrection of our Lord from the dead, who brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel.
Let us saturate our souls with the Scriptural teaching, first concerning the Resurrection of our Lord and then concerning the resurrection of believers. In regard to the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus, read carefully the predictions in Psalm 16:8-11 and Isaiah 53:10-12. For the fulfillment of the predictions relating to His resurrection read Matthew, chapter 28; Mark chapter 16; Luke, chapter 24; John chapter 20; and I Corinthians 15:1-28.
Regarding the resurrection of believers, the born-again ones, read the prophecies in Psalm 49:14, 15; Psalm 71:20; Daniel 12:1-3. Now turn to the following passages for the New Testament teaching concerning the resurrection of born again believers: I Corinthians 15:19-58; II Corinthians 4:16 – 5:11; and Revelation 19:11 – 20:6.
The empty tomb and the enthronement of the glorified Christ at God’s right hand are facts that are beyond dispute, being established by irrefutable evidence. Christ was proved to be the Son of God by the resurrection from the dead. By His coming forth from the tomb with His glorified body, He has brought forth life, eternal life, and immortality out into the light by the Gospel message. No message in the entire universe is comparable to this one. How our hearts rejoice and exult in the resurrection and glorification of our ever-blessed Lord!
He laid down His life for us. Let us ask ourselves, “What are we doing for Him?”
That the joy of the risen and exalted Christ may be your portion every day and every hour is my prayer.