God’s Commands To His Church
Posted on Nov 29, 2011 in David L Cooper | 0 comments
by David L. Cooper
“Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. 2 Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem; and cry unto her, that he warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned, that she hath received of Jehovah’s hand double for all her sins” (Isa. 40:1,2)
In this passage two groups of people are referred to—those who have the message of comfort and those who need this message. God calls them His people. They are the nation of Israel. The other group consists of people like you and me—born-again believers. This passage, with Isaiah 62:10-12, is Biblical authority to give Israel the message now, while yet there is time.
The obligation to give the truth concerning God and Messiah to Israel and the possibility of doing so are both subjects that certainly are not new, but that grow more pertinent daily – yes, even hourly, as anyone who knows the Scriptures and is alert to fast-moving world events realizes.
1. The Obligation to Give the Truth to all Men Implied by the Parable of the Sower
Whether or not born-again believers are obligated to give the truth concerning God and Messiah to Israel is answered affirmatively in the parable of the sower, which is recorded in Matthew chapter 13. The sower, who is Christ and those whom He commissions, sows the seed everywhere—by the wayside, upon rocky places, among thorns, and upon the good ground. More seed falls on non-productive ground than on the fertile soil; yet it is sown. No effort is made to prevent its falling in the waste places or to conserve it for sowing on the good ground only. Even so with the giving of the truth concerning God and Messiah it is to be given to all, to Jew and to Gentile alike. Some will hear the Word, but not understand it, and will have it snatched away by Satan. Like the seed sown by the wayside, the Word given to such people will not bear fruit. These individuals will be lost; nevertheless the Word is to be given to them. They are not to be denied the opportunity of being saved. Some will hear the Word, joyously receive it, but fail to abide by it when tribulations come. Like the seed sown on stony soil, the Word given to these hearers will not bear fruit. These individuals will be lost, yet the Word is to be given to them for they are not to be denied the opportunity of being saved. The same thing is true in regard to those who hear the Word, but are deceived by riches. Like the seed sown among thorns, the Word will not bear fruit in the lives of such persons, but it is not to be denied them. All are to be given the Word. So to the question of whether or not born-again believers are obligated to give to Israel the truth concerning God and Messiah the answer is an unequivocal yes.
But, some may say, the sower is Christ and those whom He commissioned—namely, the eleven disciples. But a careful study of the great commission in Matthew 28:18-20 reveals that the eleven were to make disciples of all the nations. Mark says, “…preach the gospel to the whole creation.” All nations are to be taught all things whatsoever the Lord has commanded. He promised to be with the disciples always, even though He was going away from them to Heaven. The commission is to continue unto “the end of the world,” or, literally translated, “the consummation of the age.” This age is the present era—the Christian Dispensation—which will be consummated by the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ. The commission therefore is by no means limited to the eleven disciples. The commission is to all born-again believers. These are to give the Word to all people. As the Apostle Paul declared in II Corinthians 2:17-17: “But thanks be unto God, who always leadeth us in triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest through us the savor of his knowledge in every place. 15 For we are a sweet savor of Christ unto God, in them that are saved, and in them that perish; 16 to the one a savior from death unto life. And who is sufficient for these things? 17 For we are not as the many, corrupting the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God, speak we in Christ.” Even so the Word is to be given to all. To some who hear the Word, it will be “from death unto death;” to others it will be “from life unto life.” But none are to be denied the opportunity of being saved.
2. The Possibility of Giving the Truth to Israel Factually Proved
In addition to the question whether or not born-again believers are obligated to give the truth concerning God and Messiah to Israel is the equally pertinent question of whether or not it is possible to do so. Briefly, the answer is yes, for it has been and is being done and there is no justifiable reason why it cannot continue to be done now. Actually the possibility is a necessity that becomes hourly more urgent, for the Lord’s return draws closer by the hour; and whatever giving of the Word we born-again believers accomplish will have to be effected before we die or are caught up, living, to be with the Lord.
Giving the truth to Israel now is in many respects like sowing seed in the dry soil. In this respect I often recall an experience that I had years ago when I was traveling by train from Dallas to San Antonio, Texas. We left Dallas in a hard rain; but as we approached Temple, Texas, we ran out of the rain belt. The flagman commented to me that he was going to plant turnip greens in about five or six weeks. I remarked that he must live within the city limits, having city water. When he replied, “No,” I said, “Well, then, you must have a windmill or a gasoline engine to pump the water.”
“No,” he replied again. “But I’ll be eating turnip greens from my garden in a few weeks.” “But how?” I asked.
“You see,” he explained, “We’ve been having rain in all the surrounding region, and I know that we shall get some soon. I’ve had the ground plowed and harrowed for some time. Now I’ll sow the seed before the rain comes.”
Spiritually, the nation of Israel is a dry land with moist spots of honest hearts here and there that are seeking God and the truth. Like the flagman, we born-again believers must sow the seed which is the Word, now. When the terrible judgments of the Tribulation come upon the earth, hosts of the people of Israel will turn to God. Their extremity will be God’s opportunity. Thus, like the rain falling upon the dry ground in which the flagman had sown his turnip seed, the Tribulation will bring to fruition the Word that will have been sown on the dry ground in Israel.
That the truth can be given to Israel has been factually established. I could cite many positive proofs from scores of letters from their leaders—which, of course, we hold in confidence—and from personal experience and observation as president and founder of the Biblical Research Society, a ministry to which I was called in 1930. The main purpose of the Society is to give the gospel to all Israel by the literary method, as the Lord enables—to the Jew first and also to the Gentile—for the printed page is often more readily accepted and it will be available after all born-again believers have been removed from the earth, either through death or by the Rapture. From the many irrefutable proofs that I could cite, I have chosen three, which I shall present in chronological order to show that to the present time the truth has been given in part to Israel, is being given, and should—yes, must—continue to be given while yet there is time.
In the early ‘39’s, while on my annual conference tour, one of the most prominent rabbis in America required an appointment with me which, of course, I gladly arranged. Here are the highlights of our conversation, which I wrote immediately upon his leaving.
“Where did you learn Hebrew? How long did you study it? You certainly do understand it. Did you study the Portuguese or the German pronunciation? In many instances you give better and more exact translations than the different English versions. For instance, you are more accurate than the Authorized Version. You certainly do understand the Scriptures. I have told many rabbis that you are the man who is making us Jews think. We went to college and accepted what we were taught as true, but you have studied our language and come along after having done thorough research work and call our attention to certain passages and words and show that they do not mean what we assumed they meant. We have to get down our lexicons, grammars, and different books to examine these things anew and find that you are right and that we overlooked the true meaning. You are doing a good work for the Jews. May God bless you. You are not trying to stir up hate and enmity against the Jews, but are kindly calling our attention to the truth which we have overlooked. If all the Christians would only do as you are doing and cause us to think and would treat the Jews with kindness they would persuade all of the Jews to accept Christianity.”
When he left, he said again, “God bless you. You are doing a good work. I wanted to see such a man.”
When I was in Israel a high government official said to me, “The Biblical Research Society has sown the State of Israel with literature
I received a letter from a noted science writer in Israel who is listed in Who’s Who in World Jewry, 1955 and in Who’s Who in Israel, 1952. The occasion of his letter, from which I quote below, was his having prepared for publication in two newspapers in Jerusalem an appreciation of the Messianic Series of books, which I have written especially for the Jewish people and which the Biblical Research Society sends to them free.
“R. David L. Cooper, Ph.D
Pres., Biblical Research Society
4005 Verdugo RoadLos Angeles 65, California
Re: Your Messianic Series
Appreciation and thanks.
“Dear Sir
“Over the last 6 years, I have been the fortunate recipient of your extreme goodness and uncommon kindness of 4 outstandingly priceless messianic books, and of a Hebrew brochure, all pertaining to Israel’s prophetic mission and messianic visions, which you dispatched to me gratis.
“I see in your monumental seven volumes set (of the Messianic Series) signs of a profound and probably unsurpassed understanding of the prophetic message of Israel. In their majestic conception and exposition of biblical passages and prophecies, your books are unique and of a priceless value, and I dare say that only a genius, whose mind has been divinely inspired like that of our ancient prophets themselves, could have written them and produced such a great spiritual work.
“I want now to acknowledge first…my deepest gratitude to you for the receipt of the following four books:…The God of Israel; Messiah; His Nature and Person; Messiah: His Redemptive Career; and Messiah: His First Coming Scheduled, which you have kindly sent me over the years, all of which I greatly esteem and treasure, and have very carefully read and studied. I owe to these 4 books many hours of spiritual enlightenment, and they have been a constant source of inspiration to me in my striving over the years as a science writer to contribute my little bit to the coming of that better world-order, which is foretold in Israel’s messianic hopes and visions.
“I want now to express our debt of gratitude which we in Israel owe to you, Dr. Cooper, for your magnificent and inestimable work, and for your selfless and praiseworthy efforts to make it known among the people of Israel, by sending your various volumes gratis to a number of Israeli personalities and men of public life. I had hoped to be able to discharge this debt, at least partly, by writing to our local English Daily…, and to our English Weekly…in Jerusalem about your monumental works and lofty spiritual endeavors, which intimately concern Israel as a nation. I did this…by sending to both publications a brief and impressive appreciation of your work and efforts in the form of a Book Review or LETTER TO THE EDITORS—in order to draw public attention inIsrael to them—under the title of A GENTILE HERALD OF THE MESSIAH AND TRUE FRIEND OF ISRAEL. But to my greatest regret, I failed in both cases…as both papers…rejected my contribution and returned the manuscript to me…
“May I suggest, if it is agreeable to you, Dr. Cooper, that you try please to publish my article in your local Los Angeles Press, or in any other suitable American magazine or periodical or daily. Any money proceeds whatever from its publication, if you kindly agree to it, I dedicate it, and it should go to the funds of the Biblical Research Society for the furtherance of its highly laudatory work and noble goal…Should you, however…find it impossible to publish my enclosed article…, then I ask you to accept it just graciously as a sign of my deeply felt gratitude and appreciation… ‘I dedicate this manuscript to my highly esteemed teacher, the eminent and lofty-minded Bible scholar, David L. Cooper, of theU.S.A., with the expression of my profound gratitude and respect.’
“I remain meanwhile with my best wishes and kindest regards for you, dear sir,
Very gratefully and respectfully your
(Science Writer)
Enclosed with this letter was the article from which I quote below and which this noted science writer of Israel wrote concerning the Messianic Series. Since he was writing for Jewish readers, he has used the terminology that they would most readily understand.
A Gentile Herald of the Messiah and True Friend of Israel
Famous American Bible-scholar draws attention to the still valid Prophetic Message and Messianic Vision of the Jewish People
Throughout history men of many nations have found in the Holy Bible not only inspiration for a God-fearing life, but have also seen in it a fount of divine wisdom guiding them to just and moral action, and have drawn from it strength, hope and consolation to withstand the often sore trials and afflictions of human existence. Beyond that, scientists in many fields have also come more and more to recognize the Biblical scriptures as an invaluable source of often surprisingly accurate knowledge pertaining to the nature, culture and history of the ancient world in general. Modern archaeology, ethnology, philology, mythology and comparative theology have confirmed most, if not all, Biblical statements relating tot heir special fields of enquiry; and many scientists through the ages have devoted a considerable amount of profound and careful research work to the explanation and interpretation of various significant passages found scattered in ample profusion throughout the Old and New Testaments.
Such a life-long Biblical scholar, and loyal Christian friend of ancient and modernIsrael, is Dr. David L. Cooper, eminent founder and president of the Biblical Research Society in Los Angeles, California, U.S .A…to whose intention Dr. Cooper has dedicated all his mind and fortunes to the promulgation and elucidation of the Biblical scriptures, particularly as they relate to Israel’s prophetic mission, and to her still valid messianic visions, all aspects of which he has studied with a profundity and loving care probably unsurpassed in the while Gentile world.
As his crowning life’s work, Dr. Cooper has written over the last 25 years, among other religious texts, a monumental set of seven volumes, his “Messianic series,” dealing with the person and actions of the Messiah and Saviour. His work is based on painstaking research in the great libraries and collections of religious manuscripts in Europe and the U.S.A. and it consists of the following 7 books: The God of Israel; Messiah: His Nature and Person; Messiah: His Redemptive Career; Messiah: His First Coming Scheduled; Messiah: His Historical Appearance; Messiah: His Second Coming Imminent; Messiah: His Final Call of Israel.
In their magnificent conception and deep understanding of ancient and modern Israel, in their grandiose sweep of history over millennia, and in their wealth of visionary forecasts, either already fulfilled—or yet to come true—these books may rightly be called unique, and of an inestimable value. But also their modern, timely interpretation of Biblical events and passages, and the author’s objective approach, in a serious scientific spirit, is likely to appeal to even critically inclined readers. As a spiritual achievement of the first magnitude, most likely standing at the summit in their special field of prophecy, Dr. Cooper’s writings and investigations, concern the Jews intimately as a nation, despite the fact, that as a faithful Christian, he sincerely believes that Rabbi Jesus of Nazareth has been the first Messiah and Saviour. Yet nevertheless, very few other books, whether from Jewish or Gentile authors, could give us a better comprehension of Israel’s past and present spiritual situation, and of her future true destiny and glory. He is an accomplished master of the Hebrew language and of all Biblical literature too, which is the outstanding value of Dr. Cooper’s work and which has been gratefully acknowledged by some eminent Jewish religious leaders and men of letters.
The amazing thing now about Dr. Cooper’s praiseworthy activities is, however, that he is not content with resting on his laurels, as anyone might well be, after writing such impressive and significant work, but is apparently also resolved to reawaken ancient Israel’s prophetic spirit and messianic visions among the ingathered remnant of the Jewish people in the promised Homeland. He is profoundly convinced that the preordained time for the Second Coming of the Messiah…is drawing near…
In order to contribute his own share to this noble goal, and desirous to make his views and writings known…among the people of Israel, Dr. Cooper has decided on making some unique efforts. Thus he has taken the unprecedented step of sending wholly gratis the handsomely produced and bound, and wonderfully illuminating and instructive books of the Messianic Series, to a great number of personalities of Israel’s public—cultural, and religious to life, to rabbis, educators, scientists, writers, and…also to politicians and government officials.
I think I voice the opinion of many, who may have been like me the fortunate recipients of some of his inspiring volumes. I acknowledge our profound debt of gratitude to Dr. Cooper for his noble spiritual efforts, and assure him that his work has not fallen here in Israel on stony soil, nor on deaf ears, but has found a reverberating and abiding echo…
Signed _____________________________________
Science Writer, Lecturer
Sociological Essayist